Daliane & Silas

July 11, 2024 • Niagara Falls, ON, Canada

Daliane & Silas

July 11, 2024 • Niagara Falls, ON, Canada

Our Story

Welcome to our little love story

Picture of Welcome to our little love story

This is not a love at first sight but love at last sight story. A lady and gentleman happened to be at the same social event to partake in social shenanigans. The gentleman decided to strike a conversation with a serene and soft spoken lady, unbeknown of the chain of events that a simple action like that will trigger. We exchanged IGs and a few weeks later this gentleman decided to test the water and asked the enchanted lady out for an ice cream date in a park. Our first date was at Scarborough bluff on a beautiful and serene day, where we mostly stroll and conversed with no ice cream vendor on sight. Hence the ice cream date had no ice cream. We quickly realized we shared the same morals and values which of course led to more dates. The gentleman was a bit reticent at first but eventually came to a realization that he was slowly falling in love with a smart and beautiful lady with a small head. A big head and small head equals a great match destined by the universe. Our love story though still relatively young, is unique amongst many unique stories. It is a story about chances, patience, understanding, and above all love. We are happy to share it with you and the celebration of our union on July 11, 2024.


I had once shared a little bit about my vision of an engagement with him in the past however, as shy as he could be,
he did not appear to be receptive to it.
Little did I know that he would contact a close friend Lionella so as to help him make that vision beautifully come to past with a personal touch of thoughtfulness and love which included him proposing at this beautiful park where we had out first date. 
At the end of the day it did not exactly go as planned however it was all joy for us but also fatigue for my friends who had spent the whole day planning haha!

September 16, 2023

I had once shared a little bit about my vision of an engagement with him in the past however, as shy as he could be, he did not appear to be receptive to it. Little did I know that he would contact a close friend Lionella so as to help him make that vision beautifully come to past with a personal touch of thoughtfulness and love which included him proposing at this beautiful park where we had out first date. At the end of the day it did not exactly go as planned however it was all joy for us but also fatigue for my friends who had spent the whole day planning haha!
Post proposal. 
Fun fact : He told me we were going to a baby shower, he has a friend whose wife was pregnant at the time so I did not have much space for doubts.

September 16, 2023

Post proposal. Fun fact : He told me we were going to a baby shower, he has a friend whose wife was pregnant at the time so I did not have much space for doubts.
Traditional wedding Day!
On this day, I felt deep my heart that i got married into the right family. I was shown an overwhelming amount of affection by my in-laws.
The actual traditional ceremony took place in Cameroon although over here in Canada, I received a very warm welcome.

October 01, 2023

Traditional wedding Day! On this day, I felt deep my heart that i got married into the right family. I was shown an overwhelming amount of affection by my in-laws. The actual traditional ceremony took place in Cameroon although over here in Canada, I received a very warm welcome.